The 5-year roadmap to change

【Session 2021/2022 to 2025/2026】

We Govern Expectation

We Govern Expectation

Good governance helps us act in the best interests of our members, the Institution, the engineering community at large, by bringing more effective decision-making, smoother operation, better resources management, increased stakeholder confidence, reputation enhancement, and sustainability.

Expect Some Change

  • Governance review
  • Strategic review of HKIE’s objectives to support professionalism
  • Communication with members
  • Succession planning

Digitalise to modernise, optimise, customise, and economise …

Digitalise to modernise, optimise, customise, and economise …

We aim to get the most out of digitalisation by adopting cutting-edge tech solutions to improve efficiency across institutional undertakings.

Our Exercise

  • Website and content management revamp
  • Digitalisation of membership application process
  • Mobile app development
  • Social media and new communication channels

Call Us Engineers!

Call Us Engineers!

We take immense pride in being engineers who make a real impact on the industry and society at large.

Tell Our Good Stories

  • High impact and influential reports
  • Policy advocacy
  • Outreach programmes to nurture future engineers
  • External communication to promote the image and presence of the engineering profession

Members First!

Members First!

We deeply value our members. Our unwavering dedication to offer members positive experiences throughout their journey of becoming, being, and continuously growing as engineers fuels our constant improvement and drives us to go above and beyond their expectations.

To and For Our Members

  • Professional development activities
  • Mentorship programmes
  • Reciprocal membership arrangements
  • Sustainable membership pipeline
  • Digital library resources
  • New HKIE facilities

Innovate Opportunities for a Better Future

Innovate Opportunities for a Better Future

We create opportunities for engineers to bring their innovative ideas to life, to realise their dreams and contribute to the sustainable development of society and further economic growth.

Your Opportunities

  • Professional development activities
  • HKIE Enginpreneurs Hub
  • Partnership with other professional bodies on innovation
  • Promotion strategy for innovation initiatives
  • Knowledge and experience exchange with education institutions
  • Leverage connection with Mainland China for innovation
  • Innovation facilities

Good governance helps us act in the best interests of our members, the Institution, the engineering community at large, by bringing more effective decision-making, smoother operation, better resources management, increased stakeholder confidence, reputation enhancement, and sustainability.

Expect Some Change

  • Governance review
  • Strategic review of HKIE’s objectives to support professionalism
  • Communication with members
  • Succession planning
We aim to get the most out of digitalisation by adopting cutting-edge tech solutions to improve efficiency across institutional undertakings.

Our Exercise

  • Website and content management revamp
  • Digitalisation of membership application process
  • Mobile app development
  • Social media and new communication channels

We take immense pride in being engineers who make a real impact on the industry and society at large.

Tell Our Good Stories

  • High impact and influential reports
  • Policy advocacy
  • Outreach programmes to nurture future engineers
  • External communication to promote the image and presence of the engineering profession

We deeply value our members. Our unwavering dedication to offer members positive experiences throughout their journey of becoming, being, and continuously growing as engineers fuels our constant improvement and drives us to go above and beyond their expectations.

To and For Our Members

  • Professional development activities
  • Mentorship programmes
  • Reciprocal membership arrangements
  • Sustainable membership pipeline
  • Digital library resources
  • New HKIE facilities

We create opportunities for engineers to bring their innovative ideas to life, to realise their dreams and contribute to the sustainable development of society and further economic growth.

Your Opportunities

  • Professional development activities
  • HKIE Enginpreneurs Hub
  • Partnership with other professional bodies on innovation
  • Promotion strategy for innovation initiatives
  • Knowledge and experience exchange with education institutions
  • Leverage connection with Mainland China for innovation
  • Innovation facilities